AIA Seattle's partners in the AIA+2030 Professional Series, the Integrated Design Lab, ASHRAE Puget Sound and BetterBricks, are offering an education series this fall to provide a deeper level of understanding about the key topic of climate analysis.
Tuesdays, October 4 – December 6, 6-9p
Integrated Design Lab l Puget Sound
100 Northlake NE, Suite 100
Seattle, Washington
This course will focus on the practice of climate analysis for the purposes of designing more sustainable buildings that respond to local site and weather conditions to reduce their use of energy while optimizing occupant comfort.
We will define what is meant by climate, examine its constituent variables, identify sources of data, and evaluate tools and techniques to display, analyze, and interpret these conditions in a useful way. The interpretation of local climate conditions will specifically focus on graphic tools and techniques to understand key climate variables. These techniques will include the use of free and commercially available software packages, but importantly will include the use of manual digital techniques such as Excel or other data management programs that allow the user the greatest flexibility in interpreting results.
While much of the class will focus on the analysis of climatic data specific to individual building projects, the course will examine issues beyond the limits of the building envelope: microclimatic interactions between buildings, their landscape settings, and the local site specific weather conditions; and the role that changing climate conditions might play for the future of a more sustainable architecture.
Chris Chatto is a Sustainable Design Architect. He focuses on optimizing building efficiencies, from energy and daylighting studies in early project development to tracking the performance of completed projects, to monitoring the energy performance of ZGF projects in the context of the 2030 Challenge. Chris developed an expertise in daylighting, climate analysis and bioclimatic design for high performance buildings while working with the BetterBricks Integrated Design Labs at the University of Oregon and University of Washington.
MORE INFORMATION: Call 206-616-7966 or email
COST: $500 for the series - Registration is open until October 18, 2010 or until the class fills.
Brought to you by: BetterBricks , the University of Washington’s Integrated Design Lab with the support of AIA Seattle and Puget Sound ASHRAE chapter
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