Seven years ago when I relocated to the Pacific Northwest from Tennessee, one of the first people I met was Joel Jackman. Joel was serving his last year on the Board of Governors and immediately began twisting my arm to become involved with the local ASHRAE chapter. I first tested the waters by volunteering on a couple of committees, soon became the History chair, and then took the plunge to serve on the Board of Governors.
The level of enthusiasm and dedication of Puget Sound Chapter members is remarkable. Any time an idea is put forth, the Board of Governors, committee chairs and chapter members quickly volunteer to make it a success. This tremendous level of support made my term as President a pleasure. We had many great programs and activities in 2010-2011, including visits by our Society President and President-Elect. Additionally, we exceeded our Chapter Research Promotion goal by nearly 50 percent! I was a very small contributor to this success; it was the generosity of numerous volunteers who made it a great year.
At our May 11 meeting, I passed the gavel to Brian Wolford with a mixture of relief and a bit of sadness. It has been an honor and great pleasure to serve as President of ASHRAE Puget Sound Chapter. We can all be proud of our strong chapter and rich heritage. In the upcoming year, I challenge you to ensure our continued success by remaining active and volunteering for new opportunities.
Many thanks to you all! (or ya’ll, as I would have said in Tennessee)

Outgoing Chapter President David Landers (right) passes the gavel to Brian Wolford, incoming Chapter President for 2011-2012.
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