You know who the “rising stars” are in your company. They are the engineers who show great promise, potential, interest and vigor in the HVAC industry. But how can you help them grow as leaders in your organization?
One way is through ASHRAE’s HVAC Design Essentials Workshop. Back by popular demand, this 3-day workshop provides intensive, practical training for professionals involved in the design, engineering, project coordination, and delivery of HVAC services and products. Participants will gain information and skills they can implement immediately in their jobs.
The workshop provides real-world examples of HVAC systems design including calculations of heating and cooling loads, system selection, basic design of hydronic and air systems, and much more. Participants will also network with industry leaders and ASHRAE Members from a variety of backgrounds and industry sectors. They will develop knowledgeable contacts to help them in their current positions.
The workshop takes place August 15-17, 2011 in Atlanta, GA, and seats are limited. The newly renovated ASHRAE Headquarters will be used as a “living laboratory” during the workshop, allowing participants to see the actual plans and operations of a high performance building.
You can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity by sponsoring one or more of your employees to attend the workshop. Your gift of “recognition” will be returned to you in the form of a well-trained staff member. What a great investment in the growth of your company!
Please forward this information to anyone else who might be interested.
If you have questions or would like more details about the workshop, visit or send an email to
Best regards,
Filza H. Walters
Chair, Professional Development Committee

Advancing HVAC&R to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world
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