From program planning to IRS tax filings, Puget Sound Chapter is operated completely by volunteers without paid administrators or bookkeepers. Representatives on the Board of Governors commit to seven years of volunteer service and our dedicated committee chairs often hold positions for multiple years. Much of the work that keeps Puget Sound Chapter running smoothly takes place during normal business hours, accompanied by numerous additional hours outside of the business day.
Puget Sound Chapter would not be where it is today without the tremendous support from employers in the region. This month, the Chapter says “thank you” to the employers of our Board of Governors and Committee Chairs. You have contributed to the Chapter’s success by generously supporting involvement of your employees in “grassroots” local ASHRAE activities. The following companies have supported involvement of their employees on the Board of Governors and/or as committee chairs in 2010-2011:
Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
Air Commodities
CDi Engineers
Garrison Engineering
Hargis Engineers
Johnson Barrow, Inc.
Notkin Mechanical Engineers
Proctor Sales, Inc.
Puget Sound Energy
SSA Acoustics
Wood Harbinger, Inc.
ASHRAE is an invaluable resource to those engaged in the field of HVAC&R. In addition to handbooks, standards and numerous reference and training materials, the local chapter provides abundant opportunities for professional networking and training.
Employers, please encourage your ASHRAE members to be actively involved in local chapter activities. Better yet, encourage their involvement on chapter committees or the Board of Governors. You will reap the rewards of expanded networking and leadership development of your employees.
David Landers, P.E.
Chapter President 2010-2011
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