Washington Athletic Club
1325 Sixth Ave, Seattle, WA 98101
11:30 AM - 12:00 Noon: Registration & Social
12:00 Noon - 1:15 PM: Lunch Served & Program
Make your reservation by Friday, March 5 (See Below)
ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer Tim McGinn Discusses
Low Impact Mechanical Systems

ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer Tim McGinn, an inspirational speaker at EngineeringVision 2030, returns to discuss low impact/low energy mechanical systems at our March chapter meeting.
McGinn, a partner with Cohos Evamy in Calgary, Alberta, holds mechanical and electrical engineering degrees from the University of Saskatchewan and has over 25 years experience as a consulting engineer. His passion is specialization in designing low impact/low energy mechanical and electrical systems for green buildings.
McGinn will share with us examples of successful North American green building projects that utilize downsized conventional systems, displacement ventilation, underfloor air distribution, multi-stage evaporative cooling, radiant chilled slabs, and hybrid natural ventilation.
With extensive experience in green building design and the integrated design process, McGinn will provide practical “hands-on” knowledge of strategies to reduce the energy impact of new construction and major renovation projects.
Our March meeting theme is ASHRAE History. Chapter Historian Kathi Shoemake will be pulling out old photographs and relics of our chapter history for us to enjoy while gathering before lunch. Additionally, our speaker Tim McGinn is our ASHRAE Region XI Historian and will share with us the history of ASHRAE's expansion into the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and Western Canada.
Make your reservation by Friday, March 5
Cost: ASHRAE Chapter Members $35; Guests $40; Students $15
To make your reservation go to the Acteva event web site:
If you have questions regarding registration, contact Scott Vollmoeller at svollmoeller@glumac.com or 206-262-1010.
For directions to Washington Athletic Club:
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