The DJC issue featured a special section on green building with several articles of note. Don's article Let’s get pumped up about heat sharing, displays exactly the kind of 'out of the box' thinking that will be so necessary to meet the challenges that the future will bring--challenges such as those outlined by Society President Kent Peterson in his recent address to the Puget Sound Chapter.
Don outlines a concept that could radically change the way our cities and communities use energy (and water)--and all using technology that is available today. He envisions a new utility system using underground pipes to move heat between buildings and residences, to be tapped into by heat pump systems. This system would use the waste heat of commercial and industrial processes to heat residences or processes instead of being rejected, wastefully, to the atmosphere. His proposal would stretch the natural diversity we see within our building designs to diversity between our buildings, thus greatly enhancing the energy sharing potential of these systems.
It is an article well worth reading and a concept that deserves more than a passing consideration.
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