More than 80 Puget Sound Chapter members and guests attended the January 13 lunch meeting at the Washington Athletic Club. Those in attendance included ASHRAE Region XI Director and Regional Chair (DRC) Erich Binder and eight Past-Presidents of Puget Sound Chapter. The meeting included a 90th birthday celebration for Rod Kirkwood, who served as Chapter President in 1962-63 and as ASHRAE Society President in 1973-74.
Seattle Steam Company Biomass Boiler Project Overview

Stan Gent, President and CEO of Seattle Steam Company, provided an overview of Seattle Steam’s wood waste boiler project. He began his presentation by discussing the factors behind selection of urban wood waste as a fuel for the new boiler, including availability – King County has more urban waste wood available than any other county in the United States – and stability in cost compared to fossil fuels. The presentation included three time-lapse videos of components being installed at the plant: the boiler, bag house, and fuel storage silo. The presentation concluded with an interactive discussion between Mr. Gent and the audience regarding the plant’s operation and overall environmental impact, as well as the outlook for future sustainable district heating plant projects in urban centers throughout the United States.
Past-Presidents Honored

Following the lunch presentation, Chapter President Leslie Jonsson recognized Past-Presidents of Puget Sound Chapter for their service and dedication.
Eight Past-Presidents were in attendance at the January meeting (Left to Right): Steve Nicholes (1989-90), David Fernandes (1996-97), Jill Connell (1997-98), Paul Bonaci (1998-99), Rod Kirkwood (1962-63), John Bergo (2000-01). Pat O’Donnell (2005-06), Scott Sherman (2008-09).
Happy Birthday Rod Kirkwood

ASHRAE Region XI DRC Erich Binder provided his greetings to the chapter and recognized Rod Kirkwood on his milestone of 90 years by presenting him a letter from ASHRAE Society President Gordon Holness. President Holness’ letter offered his personal congratulations and highlighted the continuing importance of the words spoken by Mr. Kirkwood in his address to the Society in 1973: “Optimum Energy Utilization Through Technology”. Leslie Jonsson presented Mr. Kirkwood with a birthday card signed by chapter members and an ASHRAE Cross pen. While cake was being served, Mr. Kirkwood's son, Rod V. Kirkwood, spoke about his father’s achievements and passion for ASHRAE and energy efficiency. Following the singing of Happy Birthday, Mr. Rod R. Kirkwood addressed the group and provided an inspirational history of overcoming challenges to develop the country’s first Energy Conservation Standard – 90-75.
Rod Kirkwood is presented with a congratulatory letter by Erich Binder, ASHRAE Region XI Director and Regional Chair. The letter is from 2009-10 ASHRAE Society President Gordon Holness.
Rod Kirwood and Chapter President Leslie Jonsson with the 90th birthday cake prepared in his honor.