Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Puget Sound ASHRAE Student Scholarship
ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers invites students enrolled at the University of Washington (UW), Seattle University (SU) and Bellingham Technical College (BTC) to apply for scholarships.
Click here to download a pdf version for your use.
The scholarships will cover one quarter tuition (12 Credit Hours). The scholarship for the UW will be $2375 and BTC will be $1160. SU will be a partial scholarship, a total of $2375 towards one quarter’s tuition. At each school the scholarship funds will go direct to the school and will be credited to the student's name for Spring Quarter of 2010. Scholarship award will be adjusted to cover the total full time student tuition cost (or equivalent amount for SU) for Spring Quarter 2010.
The George Ellis Swanson Memorial Scholarship will be $1000. Student ASHRAE members at the UW are eligible for this scholarship. The scholarship funds will go direct to the school and will be credited to the student's name for Spring Quarter of 2010.
An eligible student at the University of Washington must be registered full time as defined by the University of Washington, College of Engineering. An eligible student at Bellingham Technical College must be registered full time in the HVAC program as defined by the College. The Puget Sound Chapter of ASHRAE will notify the selected students and their schools of the awards in March 2010. The deadline for receipt of applications is February 1, 2010.
- Current membership in the University of Washington, Bellingham Technical College, or Seattle University ASHRAE Student Branch.
- Indication of career goals in ASHRAE-related industries.
- Submit an essay addressing why you have chosen to study Mechanical Engineering and/or HVAC, what is your goal two years after completing your formal training and education, your long term goals and how you define success for yourself.
To be considered for a scholarship the student is requested to submit the following application materials:
- ASHRAE Scholarship Application form (attached).
- College transcripts.
- Essay as described above.
Completed application materials must be submitted to:
- University of Washington -
Professor Emery, College of Engineering
Seattle, WA 98115-0001
Telephone: 206-543-5338 - Bellingham Technical College –
Dave Maricle
Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
3028 Lindbergh Ave
Bellingham, WA 981255
Telephone: 360-752-8413 - Seattle University -
Teodora Shuman
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Seattle, WA 98122-1090
Telephone: 206-296-5535
Use this application form to apply for the ASHRAE Puget Sound Chapter Scholarship. Type or print all entries in ink. Omissions or errors may decrease your opportunities for consideration. IMPORTANT: All students submitting this scholarship application must submit a copy of their transcript. The transcript may be an unofficial copy. This application will be considered incomplete if submitted without a transcript.
Your single application will be considered for either scholarship at the UW, BTC or SU depending on which school you designate here: ___________________________________.
NAME: Last____________First_____________Middle:____________
Social Security No.:______________Student No.:__________________
Student ASHRAE membership number: __________________________
Mailing Address:________________________________
Number and Street Apt # City and State ZIP Code
Phone: __________________________________________
Permanent Address:________________________________________
Number and Street Apt # City and State ZIP Code
Permanent Address Phone: __________________________
Please notify us of any change of address.
_____________________________________ / _____________
Name and City / Graduation Date
___________________ / ______________ / ________________
Name and City / Dates Attended / Cum GPA
Degree/Credits ________________________________________
Awards, Honors, Scholastic Achievements, Etc.:
_____________ / _____________________________________
Year Award / Awarded by
Please describe other activities outside of school that are important to you.
List other colleges and awards received on additional piece of paper and attach.
NAME (print): __________________________ DATE:______________________________
ASHRAE is interested in your career goals. Please indicate your interests on the scales below. Circle 5 to indicate high interest and 1 to indicate little interest.
Air conditioning, heating & ventilation systems 1 2 3 4 5
Mechanical systems in buildings 1 2 3 4 5
Sustainable Design – Green Design 1 2 3 4 5
Plant engineering 1 2 3 4 5
Power plant engineering 1 2 3 4 5
Construction 1 2 3 4 5
Process plant design and/or construction 1 2 3 4 5
Other (specify) 1 2 3 4 5
ASHRAE is interested in why you selected engineering as your field of study and in what your potential career interests are after graduation. Please share your ideas and career goals with us. Please, attach an extra page.
Please describe some of the jobs you have had. Are you employed now, and by whom? Do you plan to work while attending school? Please attach an extra page for your description.
APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: I have checked this form for omissions and errors. To the best of my knowledge, the information is complete and correct. I understand that the inclusion by me of false information in this application will disqualify me for ASHRAE scholarships.
_________ / _____________________________________
Date / Signature of Applicant
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A seminar for developers, architects, and engineers,
Christopher Meek, AIA Tom Marseille, P.E.
Daylighting Lab Director Principal
The Integrated Design Lab Stantec Engineers, Inc.
October 9, 2009
10:00 to 3:00, includes lunch
The Bertha Landes Room
Seattle City Hall, 600 5th Avenue, Seattle
Use of natural light for interior illumination has been integral to architecture since before the time of the Romans, but the field continues to evolve. Daylighting design challenges and stimulates us as it brings together the worlds of aesthetics, function, and energy efficiency, at the interface between nature and man-made environments.
This seminar examines daylighting from multiple angles, presenting basic design principles illustrated by examples from history and some of the most recent construction. Because daylighting is intrinsically interdisciplinary, information about new technologies and analytical tools are pulled from several branches of design. Tom Marseille will address the interface between daylighting and overall energy consumption for heating, cooling and lighting. Topics will include actuated interior and exterior shades, and daylighting controls.
For registration and more information, visit
The cost of the seminar is $30 including lunch.
~ Please Register Before October 5th. ~
Sponsored by the Integrated Design Lab, Seattle City Light, Stantec, and Better Bricks