Bayne Lamb, Director of Facilities – Boeing 747 Division, provided an overview of Facilities Department operations at Everett over dinner at the plant cafeteria. Following the presentation, a factory tour was conducted during normal second shift operation. This was one of the highest attended chapter meetings in Puget Sound Chapter history, with more than 190 guests pre-registering for the event.

The meeting is touted as one of the chapter’s best in history, with attendance exceeding 190, in the February 1970 Punch List (left).
Chapter members dine at the Boeing Everett plant cafeteria (left) prior to Mr. Lamb's presentation and a plant tour during normal second shift operations.
1971 – Cancelled Due to Snow
Don Owens and Bill Erdelyi were scheduled to discuss performance and operations of the Seattle First National Bank Building on January 12, but inclement weather resulted in cancellation of the meeting. This was to be a preview of their upcoming presentation at the Advanced Air Conditioning Course underway at the University of Washington.
Don Owens and Bill Erdelyi were scheduled to discuss performance and operations of the Seattle First National Bank Building on January 12, but inclement weather resulted in cancellation of the meeting. This was to be a preview of their upcoming presentation at the Advanced Air Conditioning Course underway at the University of Washington.
Punch List promotion of the January 1971 chapter meeting that didn't occur.
1972 – Community Colleges vs. Four-Year Degrees
In conjunction with Student Night, Rix Mallonee of Shoreline Community College spoke on “Technical Education for Our Industry”. Mallonee discussed the importance of “hands on” engineering, pointing out that community colleges teach their students what a bolt looks like, while the University of Washington no longer required drafting for an engineering degree, resulting in good engineers who do not know hardware. Mallonee stressed the importance of ASHRAE sponsorship for student chapters at community colleges.
In conjunction with Student Night, Rix Mallonee of Shoreline Community College spoke on “Technical Education for Our Industry”. Mallonee discussed the importance of “hands on” engineering, pointing out that community colleges teach their students what a bolt looks like, while the University of Washington no longer required drafting for an engineering degree, resulting in good engineers who do not know hardware. Mallonee stressed the importance of ASHRAE sponsorship for student chapters at community colleges.
This cartoon appeared in the January 1972 Punch List in anticipation of the lively conversation expected at the upcoming meeting.
1973 – Naval Surface Effect Ships
Joe Sublett of Aerojet-General Corporation spoke on surface effect ships and Aerojet’s two major contracts to develop a 100-ton rigid sidewall ship and a 150-ton amphibious air cushion vehicle.
Joe Sublett of Aerojet-General Corporation spoke on surface effect ships and Aerojet’s two major contracts to develop a 100-ton rigid sidewall ship and a 150-ton amphibious air cushion vehicle.
Social hour at the 1973 chapter meeting
1974 – Draw-Thru vs. Blow-Thru Systems
James Tilbury of Mammoth Division, Lear Siegler Inc, presented an energy consumption analysis of Draw-Thru versus Blow-Thru multi-zone systems. According to the February 1974 Punch List, Mr. Tilbury, “armed with slides, graphs, and appropriate responses from John Proctor of Proctor Sales”, delivered a graphic presentation showing that while blow-thru units reduce first costs, draw-thru systems provide significant operational savings at part-load operation.
Excerpt from the February 1974 Punch List touting Tilbury’s dynamic presentation.
1975 – Threshold Limits of Exposure
Pete Preysse and Dick Hibbard from the University of Washington spoke on National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health exposure limits for 35,000 known toxic chemicals used in industrial processes. The presentation covered design standards for controls and monitoring devices, as well as Mr. Hibbard’s rationalization as to why he still smoked.
Pete Preysse discussed exposure limits for known toxic chemicals.
Dick Hibbard discussed design standards and rationalized his smoking habit.
1976 – Design Considerations for Alaska
J. Donal Krocker spoke on unique design considerations in the 49th state. For example, low solar angle and continuous solar heat gains during long summer days results in greater air conditioning needs in Anchorage and Juneau than Eureka, California. Mr. Krocker also discussed strategies for dealing with permafrost.
J. Donal Krocker spoke on unique design considerations in the 49th state. For example, low solar angle and continuous solar heat gains during long summer days results in greater air conditioning needs in Anchorage and Juneau than Eureka, California. Mr. Krocker also discussed strategies for dealing with permafrost.

J. Donal Krocker emphasizes that Alaska is still the untamed land it was when Robert Service penned “The Cremation of Sam McGee”, and that although we’ve become more sophisticated, some projects are still shut down when winter sets in.
Edward McMillan, Sr. Vice President and Chief Economist of Rainier National Bank, discussed the economic outlook for 1977 with an emphasis on new construction. In summary, McMillan claimed “on balance, considering all factors, it’s pretty hard to interpret what we’re looking at as anything but a quite favorable outlook”.
1978 – Variable Air Volume System Fan Control
Dick Querns of Cambridge Filter Corporation discussed flow measuring stations, extraction of control signals, and use of these signals to control fans in VAV systems. Querns also spoke on area pressurization control and constant volume control systems.
Dick Querns of Cambridge Filter Corporation discussed flow measuring stations, extraction of control signals, and use of these signals to control fans in VAV systems. Querns also spoke on area pressurization control and constant volume control systems.
Dick Querns
Western District Sales Manager
Cambridge Filter Corporation
1979 – Reversible Reactions for Heat Storage
Dr. Eckart Schmidt of Rocket Research Co. discussed thermal energy storage and transmission systems for solar energy utilization, explosive stimulation of geothermal steam wells, and inflatable safety system “air” bags.
Dr. Eckart Schmidt of Rocket Research Co. discussed thermal energy storage and transmission systems for solar energy utilization, explosive stimulation of geothermal steam wells, and inflatable safety system “air” bags.

Members attend the January 1979 chapter meeting.