A Single Fuel for the Built Environment
Forty years ago, the December chapter meeting topic was “Total Energy Systems” and focused on the use of a single fuel for the built environment. The guest speaker was Frank Gething of Cleaver-Brooks Company’s Heat Recovery Division. Frank, who learned power systems as a British Royal Navy Engineering Officer during World War II, discussed combining engine-driven generators with exhaust heat recovery and ebullient engine jacket cooling to provide on-site electric power, heating, and cooling.
Cleaver Brooks Co.
Heat Recovery Division
Puget Sound Chapter History Published by Founding Members in 1967
The written history of Puget Sound Chapter had its beginning in 1962 with Chapter President Rod Kirkwood’s appointment of former presidents from the merged Pacific Northwest Chapters of ASHVE and ASRE to record their first-hand experiences of the formation of each predeceasing chapter, and their merger into Puget Sound Chapter ASHRAE. The committee consisted of Carl Anderson, Charles Hall, Clarence Pangborn, and Ernie Weber. This history was published in a series of Punch List articles in 1967-68.
Chapter history has since been amended, but is not fully up to date. Puget Sound Chapter history is viewable on the chapter website at http://www.pugetsoundashrae.org/history.htm. If you have an interest in continuing the tradition of maintaining our chapter’s history, preserving artifacts in the chapter library, or researching historical installations of HVAC&R systems in the Puget Sound region, your assistance is greatly needed. Please contact David Landers, Chapter Historian, at 425-456-2381 or david.landers@pse.com.
1929 President
Pacific Northwest Chapter

1950 President
Pacific Northwest Chapter
1950 President
Pacific Northwest Chapter
Not Pictured: Carl Anderson, 1946 President, Pacific Northwest Chapter ASRE
Photos from Fall 1967 Chapter Meetings